Make it a Jamberry Occasion

Make it a Jamberry Occasion

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Prom Night 2015

    Prom is something just about every girl dreams about when they start high school. Well, I did anyhow and so did most of my friends. We watched the upper classmen talk about where they were going to eat, who was getting a limo, and most of the upper class girls always had magazines where they pointed out the dresses they would have sold their right kidney to possess for one special night. When I was a junior in high school, I couldn't wait! Instead of a boyfriend, I took a friend. The prom theme that year was "Lady in Red". 
I ended up being the Lady in Pink. My grandma did not think unmarried girls needed to wear "red" or "black".  I think it was because all the dresses I wanted were either off the shoulder or strapless. If my grandma would have had her way I would have looked like I had just stepped out of Gone With The Wind but she settled for a tea length pink lace tulip sleeve dress. I didn't complain because it was better than the mauve monstrosity-which begs the question-why do so many grannies like dirty pink? That's what mauve looks like-pink with some dirt mixed in. Okay, I'm straying from my story here. 

In 1993, getting ones nails done was not affordable. I mean it probably was but I didn't have any nails (not like the gorgeous Jamberry ones I have now) and I sure didn't have the $65. I didn't even get those beautiful satin dyed shoes everyone else was getting but I was happy to get what I did. My mom and grandma both out did themselves and after a trip to the salon-I looked pretty good, I have to say. They even got me Lee Press Ons, which my sister Kim put on with glue. I had beaten the system-or at least that's how I felt when I looked at my little pink kitten claws. I just figured I wouldn't go to the bathroom or try to pick up anything. Simple, right? I was determined.

Now this is where the magic night kind of takes a downward spiral. My date, who was a friend, began acting funny. Maybe it was all the romantic songs being played or all the black vases with fake roses tucked in them, but for some reason-he began thinking he was Romeo and I was his Juliet. Sweet, right? Wrong. He wasn't a bad guy-he was my friend after all but it's hard to be sweet on someone that kept talking about the rate of car accidents on Prom nights and survival rates of said crashes. Kinda puts a damper on things. 

We sat at my friends' table and we were laughing and conversing while eating our chocolate covered strawberries and cheese cubes until my date-Romeo, began shrieking like a little girl who just had her Barbie ripped away. I didn't know boys past puberty could do this but apparently they can. 
"Oh My GOD! You're Hair!" 

Instantly, my first thought was, "OH MY GOD I HAVE  A SPIDER IN MY HAIR!" because why else would something about my well coiffed hair be something to be afraid of?

He reached over and grabbed something out (pulling well hair sprayed hair I might add) of my hair. I didn't want to look, but I did. I was praying I didn't see eight legs or worse. 

No, what I saw was a frosty pink Lee Press On nail  and his horrified face. 

"Are you okay? It's your nail! You're entire nail just came off! Are you okay? Let me see.." 


Short of using death threats and looking to see how I could have made a shank out of my plastic fork, I was prepared to kill him but no one else around our table seemed to have noticed his outbursts and my friends snapped out of their "deer in headlights" stare. I got him calmed down and just as I was going to drink some more of my cherry coke, I noticed something floating in it and something that was missing from my hand. 

That's my prom story and my senior prom was leaps and bounds better but I keep thinking back to if they had only had Jamberry Nail Wraps-I would have not had this problem. I would have looked even more spectacular with my mixed manicure and would have even had my toes decked out-not that they would have shown but who knows-Post Prom is even more fun than formal! 

Is your daughter ready for prom? Are you looking for something that goes above and beyond the call of the nail tech and salon prices? 

You are cordially invited to Jamberry Prom 2015. The theme is Facebook casual. There is going to be fun games to play as well as special discounts and maybe some give-a-ways! It only lasts until Wednesday April 15th. Bring a friend and have them bring a friend to Jamberry Prom 2015! 

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